Member of the Bundestag, Manuel Sarrazin: Štefica Galić can count on our protection
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Member of the Bundestag Manuel Sarrazin, attending the celebration of 20 years work of the Heinrich Boll Stiftung Organization in Bosnia and Herzegovina, that had been held in History museum in Sarajevo, announced that Štefica Galić, a journalist and activist from our country who has been facing threats and physical assaults for many years has received Bundestag protection. For our website, Manuel Sarrazin talked about why this protection is important, how Galić will be protected, and what is the main message that he wants to send to the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
ŠTEFICA IS ON OUR SCREEN: „Protection is a price tag, I can not be here the most of time and play like the guy who is standing next to her and protecting her physically, but it is moral protection. She is on our screens now and we are in permanent contact“.
INTERVIEW.BA: Why did you choose Štefica Galić to get Bundestag protection?
SARRAZIN: We know that in the Western Balkan region there is a lot of journalists who are under threat, who are being in situations that have to fear of psychical and psychological aggression and not being well protected by the official sides.In general, it is important to support journalist in the region, cause their space is really shrinking here, not only in a country such as Bosnia and Herzegovina but also in the countries who seem to be more near to European union.I think it is the right decision to choose a person who is credible in a particular profession and who is from this country and protect it if is necessary. And this is the reason why I choose Štefica.
INTERVIEW.BA: What is the meaning of this protection. To be more precise what Štefica gets by this protection?
SARRAZIN: The most important thing is that we are in close contact and it is clear that we have an eye on her. Štefica’s situation locally is recognised abroad. This is some kind of protection, but also it is some kind of acknowledgment of her work. Protection is a price tag, I can not be here most of the time and play like the guy who is standing next to her and protecting her physically, but it is moral protection. She is on our screens and we are in permanent contact.
INTERVIEW.BA: What you wanted to tell to Bosnian and Herzegovinian politicians, to people who live here, with this kind of protection. What was the main message?
SARRAZIN: First it is a message to Štefica that we are convinced of her engagement and that she can count on us when she needs defense. I have the conviction that a lot of people in Bosnia and Herzegovina are supporting and following her work, so we don’t need to tell anything to them, just to those who might try to attack her. We want to tell that she is not alone. in B/H/S version!
Razgovarao/la: Adin Šabić
Član Bundestaga, Manuel Sarrazin: Štefica Galić može računati na našu zaštitu
Član Njemačkog parlamenta (Bundestaga) Manuel Sarrazin prilikom obilježavanja 20 godina rada Heinrich Boll Stiftung organizacije u Bosni i Hercegovini, koje je održano u Historijskom muzeju BiH, saopćio je da je Štefica Galić, novinarka i aktivistkinja iz naše države, koja se duži niz godina suočava s prijetnjama i fizičkim napadima, dobila zaštitu Bundestaga. Za naš portal Manuel Sarrazin je govorio o tome zašto je važna ova zaštita, na koji način će Galić biti zaštićena, te koja je glavna poruka koja se želi poslati vlastima u Bosni i Hercegovini.
ŠTEFICA JE POD NAŠIM NADZOROM: Zaštita nema cijenu, ne mogu biti tu sve vrijeme i biti neko ko će stajati pored nje i štiti je fizički, ali ovo je moralna zaštita. Ona je sada na našim nadzorom i mi smo u permanentnom kontaktu.
INTERVIEW.BA: Zašto ste izabrali Šteficu Galić da bude pod zaštitom Bundestaga?
SARRAZIN: Znamo da na području Zapadnog Balkana ima mnogo novinara koji su pod prijetnjama i kojoj su u strahu od fizičke i psihičke agresije, a da pitome nisu zaštićeno od nadležnih vlasti.Generalno, važno je podržavati novinarstvo u region zato što se prostor za ovu profesiju sužava, ne samo u državama poput Bosne i Hercegovine, već i u državama koje su, čini se, bliže Europskoj uniji.Mislim da je prava odluka izabrati osobu koja je kredibilna u određenoj profesiji i koja je pitome iz ove države, te zaštititi je ako je to potrebno. I to je razlog zašto sam ja izabrao Šteficu.
INTERVIEW.BA: Šta konkretno znači ova zaštita. Preciznije, šta Štefica dobiva ovom zaštitom?
SARRAZIN: Najvažnija je stvar da smo u bliskom kontaktu i jasno je da ćemo je čuvati. Štefičina situacija iz lokalne sredine prepoznata je čak u svijetu. Ovo je jedan način zaštite, ali isto tako nagrade za njen posao. Zaštita nema cijenu, ne mogu biti tu sve vrijeme i biti neko ko će stajati pored nje i štiti je fizički, ali ovo je moralna zaštita. Ona je sada na našim nadzorom i mi smo u permanentnom kontaktu.
INTERVIEW.BA: Šta ste željeli poručiti bh. političarima i ljudima koji žive ovdje ovom zaštitom? Koja je glavna poruka?
SARRAZIN: Prije svega ovo je poruka Štefici da smo se uvjerili u njen angažman i da može računati na nas kada joj god bude zatrebala odbrana. Uvjeren sam da mnogo ljudi u BiH podržavaju i prate njen rad i mislim da se ne trebamo obraćati njima, već samo onima koji pokušavaju da je napadnu. Želimo reći da nije sama!