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Tag "Gordana Igrec"

Diana Burazer: Teško se odmaknuti od sebe

Diana Burazer: Teško se odmaknuti od sebe

🕔11:19, 24.Jun 2020

Sve mi je to oko pjesnikinje i diplomirane matematičarke Diane Burazer izgledalo tajanstveno. Već od samog rođenja bilo je sve „toplo i ljudski sa puno šušura i gušta“. Pa sam sa njome zapodjenula male ženske razgovore o njezinom djetinjstvu, a

Diana Burazer: It’s hard to move away from yourself

Diana Burazer: It’s hard to move away from yourself

🕔09:28, 24.Jun 2020

CRO Little female conversations with poet Diana Burazer It all seemed mysterious to me about the poet and graduate mathematician Diane Burazer. From the very birth, everything was “warm and human with a lot of hats and thick”. So I started small
